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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Queets Families Burials

this list is incomplete:
Sunset Memorial Park
Grays Harbor County
Washington, USA
James Donaldson
James "Jim" Donaldson, Jr
Jane Tweedie "Jean" Donaldson Streater
Seth Glover
Jeanette DeBra Glover
William Gowans
Isabella Dick Gowans
Margaret Donaldson Higley
Ransom Luther Higley
Charles Frederick Streater

Quinault Cemetery
Grays Harbor County
Washington, USA
Alfred V Higley
Orte Lovelock Higley
Orlo Robert Higley
Helen Francis Fairbairn Higley
Anna Orpha "Annie" Higley Slater
Antone Kestner
Josephine Koch Kestner
Otto H Kestner
John W Kestner
Joseph A Kestner
LeRoy M Streater
Constance S Streater
George W Streater
Ruth Ingram Streater
Lillie A Streater

Sunday, July 29, 2012

R.E. Mason

Robert Eugene Mason b.6/19/1876 Centerville Michigan
Roberta "Bertie Scott" Scott Mason b.Tenn.


1.Charles E Mason b. 3/31/1902 Tenn. d.1/1/1977 Seattle
2.Ralph Scott  Mason b.11/7/1903 Chehalis Co.,Wa. d.5/20/1990 Humboldt, Ca.
3.Dorothy Mason
4.Philip Rodney Mason
5.Ruth Reed Mason Milton 1913-1993
6.Robert A Mason

1910 Clearwater, Jefferson, Washington
1920 Clearwater, Jefferson, Washington
1930 Clearwater, Jefferson, Washington
1940 Queets, Jefferson, Washington

..."As I recall the first settlers on the Clearwater, first known as Little river, were these: The first place was C. J. Andrews, well known in Hoquiam, across the river was the Walter Fitch place, later owned by R. E. Mason and family."...


1940 Quinault, Grays Harbor, Washington
Philip Rodney Mason
Mary Louise Adams Mason
m. 9/1/1935 Jefferson
1.Philip R Mason b.1938~ Wa.
2.Judith K Mason b.1939~ Wa.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bud Loomis of Humptulips

Bud's parents are Bryon Taylor Loomis and Julliette C. Kays

Nelson Taylor "BUD" Loomis  b.4/5/1873 Iowa  d.7/5/1957 Hoquiam
Emma Gertrude Kraft
m.8/14/1907 Grays Harbor

Harry T. Loomis b. 5/4/1908 d.5/6/1992
Elva J Loomis Horn b.4/27/1912 Chehalis,Wa.

Bud was a logger for ?well-Loomis Logging Co. in Humptulips

In 1889, Kluck and Davidson opened the first store on the Prairie.
In 1890, Dave & Best erected another building (The Pioneer Hotel?)
In 1892, Fred Williams, purchased the Kluck & Davidson store and also the stock of the Best and Davis store.

the original store of Kluck & Davidson, later owned by Fred Williams, and then by
Bud Loomis.

..."There were two hotels doing a rushing business, as Humptulips was the overnight stop between Hoquiam and Quinault."...

The New York Hotel and The Pioneer Hotel

The Pioneer Hotel, built by Davis and Best

Monday, July 16, 2012


Henry Irving Kittredge 
b. 12/22/1890 Bethel, Vermont 
d. 11/28/1976 Centralia,Wa.

Maude Elvira Anderson Kittredge 
b. 7/3/1895 Wa.  d. 2/8/1979 Centralia, Wa.
m. 8/14/1919 Everett, Snohomish, Wa.

Alice Christina Kittredge b.1921 Tacoma
Marion Lucille Kittredge Rancich b.1925~

1913 Hoquiam, Grays Harbor box mkr Posey Mnfg Co. 2416 Aberdeen av
1920 Evergreen, Jefferson, Wa.
1930 Evergreen, Jefferson, Wa.
1940 Queets,Jefferson, Wa.
H.I. Kittredge
1505 Winsor Avenue
Centralia, Wa.

Harry I. Kittredge, a later Queets River resident, recalls that "a herd of about 100 head would be gathered from various farms, driven to the ocean and thence down the beach to Moclips, swimming the Quinault [River] en route. Cattle would graze in the woods if winters permitted". Settlers farming, hunted, trapped and fished to supplement the family food supply or earn cash

Proclamation 444

Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands in the Olympic Forest Reserve
April 7, 1900

William McKinley
By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation
Whereas The Olympic Forest Reserve, in the State of Washington, was established by proclamation dated February 22d, 1897, under and by virtue of section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3rd, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," which provides, "That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;"
And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved June 4th, 1897, entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1898 and for other purposes," that "The President is hereby authorized at any time to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter be made establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification may reduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or may vacate altogether any order creating such reserve;"

Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June 4th, 1897, do hereby make known and proclaim that there are hereby withdrawn and excluded from the aforesaid Olympic Forest Reserve and restored to the public domain all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land particularly described as follows, to wit:

Townships twenty-eight (28)north, ranges thirteen (13)and fourteen (14) west, Willamette Base and Meridian, Washington; fractional township twenty-eight (28) north, range fifteen(15) west; sections one (1) to eighteen (18), both inclusive, townships twenty-nine (29) north, ranges three (3), four (4) and five (5) west; sections four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7) and the north half of section eight (8), township twenty-nine (29) north, range twelve (12) west; all of township twenty-nine (29)north, range thirteen (13) west, except sections thirteen (13), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25)and twenty-six (26);township twenty-nine (29)north, range fourteen (14) west; fractional township twenty-nine (29) north, range fifteen (15) west; sections one (1) to twelve (12), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range nine (9) west; sections twenty-seven (27) to thirty-four (34), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range ten (10) west; sections twenty-five (25) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range eleven (11) west; sections seventeen (17) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range twelve (12)west; townships thirty (30) north, ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west; and township thirty (30) north, range fifteen (15) west.

That the lands hereby restored to the public domain shall be open to settlement from date hereof, but shall not be subject to entry, filing or selection until after ninety days notice by such publication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 7th day of April, A. D. 1900, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth.
By the President:
Secretary of State.

(June 19th 1899)
By 1901, 25 residents signed a petition to request exclusion from the Olympic Forest Reserve, and they included the P. Willoughby, W. Snell, the Moritz family, H. Milbourn, T. Schmidt, O. Crippen, P. Brandeberry, and F. Fisher. Of the people who left the area, no trace remained even by 1920.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Land Patents

alphabetical order...

AINSWORTH, ELIHU C 11/14/1905 156.25 acres
ANDREWS, CHARLES J 6/18/1901 159.65 acres
BANTA, JOHN J 3/17/1904 160 acres Grays Harbor
BANTA, JOHN J  10/4/1898 149 acres
BRANDEBERRY, PETER 5/14/1920 66.16 acres
BRANDEBERRY, PETER 12/16/1931 51.48
BROOKS, ISABELLE  2/5/1906 148.36 acres

COGHLAN, CHARLES J 10/10/1914 80.61 acres
COOPER, JOHN 2/19/1891 80 acres
CRIPPEN, OTIS F 10/4/1918 90.99 acres
DICKEY, ANNA 5/2/1898 164.35 acres
DONALDSON, JAMES 6/18/1901 162.95 acres
DONALDSON, JAMES 8/3/1904 120 acres
DONALDSON, JAMES 12/3/1908 3.80 acres
DONALDSON, JAMES 11/14/1913 164.35
FISHER, JAMES R 1/6/1908 68.85 acres
FITCH, JOHN E  1/14/1899  159.03 acres
GLOVER, CHARLES E  3/24/1899 90.65 acres
GLOVER SETH S  6/18/1901 160.40 acres

HARTZELL, WILLIAM S 5/17/1897 175.75 acres
HEAD, DORAS 8/15/1898 152.50 acres
HIBBERD, GEORGE Y 8/1/1904 154.95 acres
HIGLEY, MARGARET 1/6/1908 40 acres
HOPKINS, RICHARD C 3/24/1899 168.05 acres
HUELSDONK, HENRY 5/8/1919 61.09 acres
KERR, DAVID 7/13/1904 156.40 acres
KERR, DAVID 8/3/1904 131.05 acres
KERR, MARY J 10/22/1904 40 acres
KESTNER, JOSEPH ANTONE  2/11/1913 158.25 acres
KILLEA, GERTRUDE M 1/6/1908 74.70 acres
KILLEA, MARTIN F 2/17/1908 160 acres
KILLEA, MARTIN F 3/9/1908 40 acres
KILLEA, WILLIAM M 11/14/1905 75.50 acres
KILLEA, WILLIAM M  1/16/1908 90.76 acres
KILLEA, WILLIAM M 2/13/1908 80.41 acres

KING, FRANK W 11/11/1898 165.90 acres
KITTREDGE, HENRY I 5/19/1922 31.80 acres
KNACK, FREDERICK 10/4/1900 154.75 acres
KRAUTKREMER, JOHN 5/3/1900 156.40 acres
LYMAN, HENRY B 5/2/1898 162.70 acres
MASON, ROBERT E  1/13/1910 159.03 acres
MAYHEW, HENRY K 5/3/1900 157.04 acres
MCKINNON, NEIL A  6/30/1905 163.35 acres

NELLIS, ADELBERT W 8/16/1897 159.40
NEWMAN, EDWARD G 2/12/1902 152.30 acres
NORTHUP, RAY A 6/16/1904 157.65 acres
PHELAN, GEORGE 5/2/1898 147.10 acres
PHELAN, PHILLIP 10/4/1898 127.95 acres
PRENTICE, WILLIAM 11/24/1903 127.50
ROBINSON, JOHN J 12/17/1900 135.70 acres

SCHAUPP, FRANK X 8/15/1898 155.85 acres
SHALE, CARRIE  10/1/1907 88.30 acres

SHALE, JOHN 10/1/1907 73 acres
SHALE, MARTHA  10/1/1907 77.45 acres
SORENSON, NILS S  11/14/1905 156.95 acres
STEEPLES, DANIEL P 8/3/1904 126.60 acres
STREATER, FREDERICK 2/12/1902 158 acres
STREATER, CHARLES F 7/13/1911 147.35 acres
STREATER, LEROY M 9/22/1915 80 acres
STREATER, JOHN N 9/24/1919 56.23 acres
WARTMAN BEARD ROSA 12/17/1900 154.55 acres
WARTMAN MURPHY, BERTHA 5/3/1900 147.35 acres

land patents


John E. Fitch
land claim 1/14/1899

There seems to be a mistake with this quote below... the man should be John Fitch, Walter being his son that died at 22 years old.

..."Donaldson had hired, through Banta, a man on the Queets named
Walter Fitch"...

..."There we learned from Mr. Fitch that he had not built our cabin or planted our garden. Greatly disappointed,..."

..."As I recall the first settlers on the Clearwater, first known as Little river, were these: The first place was C. J. Andrews, well known in Hoquiam; across' the river was the Walter Fitch place, later owned by R. E. Mason and family."...

Robert E Mason

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Arthur Marshall and Icy May Price Dunlap

Arthur Marshall Dunlap b.3/7/1874 Penn. d.10/27/1947 Cosmopolis, Wa.
Icy May Price Dunlap b.5/16/1878 Covington, Ind. d. Seattle
moved into the Quinault about 1907
m.7/2/1898 Grays Harbor

Arthur Harvey Dunlap b.6/15/1899 Elma, Wa. d.2/19/1969 Seattle
Elora Mae Dunlap Kelso b.1901 Grays Harbor d. 5/5/1975 Aberdeen
Beatrice I Dunlap b.abt 1907

Icy, Arthur Marshall and Arthur Harvey worked at Polson Logging Co.


Antone Kestner d.Jun 17, 1936 Quinault
Josepha "Josie" Koch Kestner b.1862 Bohemia d.Aug 22, 1937 Hoquiam

Joseph "Antone" Kestner b.Mar. 14, 1884 Texas Violin maker worked for the U.S. Forest Service
Otto Herman Kestner b.May 5,1889 Oakland,Ca.  d.May 21,1966 Quinault
Josephine Ida Kestner Dickey b.Jun 29, 1894 d.Feb 2, 1988
Carrie Mary Kestner Bryant b.Dec. 8,1897 d.Dec 1978 Redvale,Co.
John William Kestner b.Jan 26,1900 d.Jun 1972 Quinault
Clara Kestner Parr
Rose Mary Kestner Briem b.Feb. 24, 1905 Quinault d.Jul 15, 1994 Eugene, Or


Antone's parents:
Josef Kestner
Margareta Verderber

sisters Carrie and Josephine  got married the same day


Aberdeen Herald May 28, 1896
"The 7 year old son (Otto Kestner) of Antone Kistner met with a serious accident, last week, in chopping the forefinger of one hand entirely off and badly cutting the other."


 "Josie and Otto Kestner boarded in Humptulips and attended school there. For several years school alternated between the upper and the lower Quinault schools."
..."In 1902, a spring term, from February 3 to April 25, was held at the Olson school, with James Norman, the teacher. Then Homer Dunning taught the lower school from April 28th to May 20th. He was followed by Edith Lucile Horr of Aberdeen. Her term ran from July 28th to October 17th."...

Josie Kestner says:
"In 1903 there were three months of school at the lower building, and in 1904 four months. Mrs. Smith taught those two years, and batched in the Norwood house. In 1905 we had five months with Katie Knack of Queets as teacher. 1908 was the last year school was held there.

By the fall of 1909 a new building had been erected on a piece of land purchased from Louis Haas, Sr. The property now belongs to the Grange. With the opening of this building, both the upper and the lower schools were abandoned, and a nine month term inaugurated.

This same year, 1909, the Kestner school was built. Miss Eunice Bonham was the first teacher.
 Frank Howen taught there in 1916-17."


This poor family needs a break. There were so many misspellings,
to try and straighten it out was next to impossible.
The only thing that was a constant was the name Ovid.

The name variants in this family were...
Milborn, Milbourne, and Holston. The correct information is below.


Horace Ovid Milbourn b.May 14, 1886 Elma,Wa. d.Jul 24, 1954 Harbor,Curry,Or.
wife Eleanor F. "Nellie" Holtine b.1/1895

and their son...
John Holtine Milbourn son b.Jul 21,1919 d.Dec. 1986 Kingston

Ovid was a part of the community at Quinault in the 1900's, he went on to become the Fire Warden in Forks Washington around the 1920's. And in 1926, he is listed as a "prospector" in Port Angeles.

Ovid Milbourn around 1905 at Quinault

..."They came down the river with Otto Kestner and George Underwood, an Indian boy,
while Ovid Milbourne (Horace Ovid Milbourn) went to stay with Dunlap's two children, Elora and Arthur. Somewhere along the river there was a huge log jam, probably a half mile long. Mrs. Dunlap and the baby girl lay in the bottom of the canoe while the men dragged it over the jam. When they reached Taholah they hired an Indian to bring them down to Moclips by wagon."...

Two Dark Days?

August 12, 1895:
A Fire Sweeps Over Chehalis County Doing Great Damage
By Associated Press to the Tribune.
Montesano, Wash., Aug. 10.--Word has been recieved here that a very destructive fire is sweeping over the eastern part of Chehalis county.

September 12, 1902, was a day those pioneers of both settlements would never forget. The sun rose as usual in the southwestern part of Washington. About 7:30 a.m. it gradually became darker and darker, until by noon lanterns were needed. ( The center of this phenomenon seemed to be at Tenino. People on the Queets were frightened, and many of them believed the world must be coming to an end. Mrs. Streater recalled that several neighboring families gathered at the Donaldson homestead that "Dark Day." Since no smoke was detected in the air, they had no way of knowing that a cloud of ash from great forest fires in Clark County, Washington, and in Oregon was obscuring the sun.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Seth's Brother Charles family

1894 Chehalis County
Charles Glover b. Michigan 35yo
Mrs. Charles Glover 30yo
Eddie Glover 14 b. Michigan
Angelia Glover 11 b.Michigan
Cynthialee Glover 6 b.Michigan
Ruby Glover 1 b.Wa.
Seth Glover brother 33